On 31.12.14
i was having severe RIF pain
which pricking in nature.
pain score 7 to 8
I was sent to emergency qehll
with ambulance , escorted by hantu.
arrived at 5:45pm , green iv branula inserted.
blood taken , bedside scan and KUB x ray done.
Surgical team MO issued for an emergency op by 10pm or 11pm
Nil by mouth min 6 hours.
For full body sedation and intubation...
Tak mauuuu!!!!!
Luckily my Last meal was 4pm,
or else i will get an emergency op at 7pm or 8pm.
because i have my lunch at 1pm
-KIV Diagnostic laparatomy
-Fluid 5 pints
-Nil by mouth.
8:45pm , first pint of normal saline up for
hydration purpose.
Pain score reduced 2 to 3.
Seen by three med officers including surgical dept
I was admited to female surgical ward at 10pm.
Escorted By clifford , my friend.
Vital signs taken. painscore 1.
Clerking by HO at 10:30pm
Seen by surgical team specialist at 10:45pm
diagnosed unlikely appendicitis
for oral challenge
refer gynaecology for further investigation.
iv drip off
gynaecology MO arrived, done bedside ultrasound
unable to visualised ovaries
For Appointment in Gynae clinic : 1 month TCA.
12am: Happy new year
6am : vital sign by staff nurse
7am : HO clerking me again , painscore 1.
7:30am : review by MO
Allow oral intake.
Encourage fluid intake
For Obeservation
8:00am : breakfast
Now 9:30am2
hopefully can discharge after seen by specialist.